
Reiki is a healing art based on the flow of life force, or 'qi.' As quantum physics has recently discovered, all matter is made up of energy vibrating at various rates. This includes the human body. Energy may also vibrate at rates which do not manifest physically, yet they are still present. Around the human body, these vibrations are often referred to as an aura. Reiki focuses on the energetic centers of the body, called chakras. Dis-ease occurs when energy/qi is not flowing well through the chakras, causing either an overabundance of lack of energy. Reiki healing helps to bring energy back into the chakras and facilitate its smooth flow. Reiki trusts the innate wisdom of the universe to move energy where it needs to go. The practitioner is solely a channel through which the energy flows. No harm can come from Reiki. A Reiki session does not require physical touch, though it is an option. Reiki can be done over distance and time as well. Reiki is able to benefit not only the physical body but the emotional and spiritual bodies as well. This gets to the root of many physical issues, and can be profoundly healing.

Elise is a Shamanic Usui Reiki Master/Teacher. Often it takes more than ingesting herbs or manipulating the muscles to create deep lasting change. This is why Elise incorporates meditation, lifestyle medicine, and flower essences in her herbal consultations. As a very emotionally intuitive individual, Elise can work with you on an energetic level to promote healing on an even deeper level with Reiki and sound healing.
Reiki Healing sessions are offered by appointment at $100 per hour.
Add 15, 20, or 30 minutes of Reiki or Sound Healing to your Massage Therapy Session!
Reiki Healing sessions are offered by appointment at $100 per hour.
Add 15, 20, or 30 minutes of Reiki or Sound Healing to your Massage Therapy Session!